Binance Labs 投资足球链游 Ultimate Champions $CHAMP熊市里的日子并不好过,前段时间还能听到市场上哀鸿遍野,如今似乎都有了偃旗息鼓的意味。尤其是Gamefi这一块,在大盘如此惨淡的背景下,仿佛已经没有人在乎那个曾在一年前杀疯了的红海市场。去年有几家名头响亮,制作阵容豪华,写满“敬请期待“的大作,在今年也都灰溜溜地不知所踪。Nov 19, 2022Nov 19, 2022
Published inCyberVeinThe Eternal Bitcoin Bull, GrayScale has a planIn the last three months of 2020, Bitcoin has done it again, only ones in the crypto market not cheering were the “non-believers”. Bitcoin…Jan 27, 2021Jan 27, 2021
Miners confident with bitcoin halvingCompared with the previous two “halving” of Bitcoin, the hosting solution is now more friendly, the number of mining service providers in…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Bitcoin was never a safe-haven for investmentsWith global stock market plummeting, gold has again showed bitcoin who’s the real “boss”.Mar 9, 2020Mar 9, 2020
Justin Sun exposed by Vitalik, Tron in scandalWith founder of EOS: Dan Larimer, and founder of Binance: ZhaochangpengMar 5, 2020Mar 5, 2020
Published inDataDrivenInvestorAre Crypto Technical Analysis Complete Garbage?I use to go on to see all kinds of technical analysis on bitcoin, while googling “Fibonacci retracement”, “ Dow theory”…Mar 2, 20201Mar 2, 20201
Published inDataDrivenInvestorThe Collapsing Crypto Project IOST, and Disappearence of “Money Milker” Xu XiaopingBlockchain is a great revolution, and those who submit will prosper, those who resist shall perish. — Xu XiaopingFeb 24, 2020Feb 24, 2020
Published inDataDrivenInvestorA $130M Scam, FCoinLife is sometimes ruthless while the #crypto world is full of love. — Justin SunFeb 20, 20202Feb 20, 20202
Published inDataDrivenInvestorReasons why Warren Buffett hates BitcoinInvesting in Bitcoin is like investing in WeWork.Feb 18, 2020Feb 18, 2020
Are Blockchains just overrated databases?Having been in the Blockchain industry for so long, I often find myself coming back to this question: aside from all the pump and dump…Feb 17, 2020Feb 17, 2020